**** Spring Bike Sale ****

Rockets X Sportful Drop Bar Gravel 40

Rockets X Sportful Drop Bar Gravel 40

  1. Join us at 9:30am we’ll roll out towards Wimborne weaving our way along gravel and dirt tracks in hunt of a local ale house for a light refreshment!
  2. A three pub stop kind of day riding bikes and having a crack.
  3. Ending at the infamous Bermuda Triangle in Ashley Cross for the traditional ‘one for the road’.
  4. £20 a ticket, includes a pre-ride coffee & bacon roll. and the chance to win 1 of 5 Sportful Giara Kits to wear on the day.
  5. Come on, leave the racer in you at home, this is all about the banter and not the Strava KOM’s!
  6. Get your Tickets Here!
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Rockets Christmas Opening Hours


23rd December // 8am - 3.00pm

24th December // 8am - 2.00pm

25th December // Closed

26th December // Closed

27th December // Closed

28th December // 8am - 3.00pm

29th December // 8am - 3.00pm

30th December // 8am - 3.00pm

31st December // 8am - 2.00pm

1st January // Closed

2nd January // Closed

3rd January // Closed

Bike Shop & Workshop

23rd December // 9am - 4.00pm

24th December // Closed

25th December // Closed

26th December // Closed

27th December // 9am - 5.30pm

28th December // 9am - 5.30pm

29th December // 9am - 5.30pm

30th December // 9am - 4.00pm

31st December // Closed

1st January // Closed

2nd January // 9am - 5.30pm

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